Henry & Higby

Clearing Clutter to Find Your Inner Calm

OrganizationAnnie & MichelleComment

I recently re-connected with a colleague from my former days in public relations. She also left the agency world and is now an entrepreneur herself having started a yoga business, Topsy Turvy Yogi, with a friend. During our conversation, we found a lot of synergies between the calm that comes from getting organized and the calm from practicing yoga and wondered if we could help make the connection for others too. 

Life gets hectic and clutter can fill both your mind and your home but that there are ways to eliminate those distractions and to create a sense of calm from chaos. So we are helping you clear the clutter and find your inner calm by equating the process of working through your chakras with simple yogic practices with the process of organizing your home. The important thing to remember is that everyone and everything is a work in progress so the key to success is to keep trying. 

Read on to work through the process of finding calm both inside and out. 

Happy organizing and namaste!

Chakra Organizing Chart_09.jpg